Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Sermon Notes -

Daniel: Hope And Direction In A Troublesome World
H. Detailing Daniel 2: God's Use Of Evil Rulers To Purify His People
4. God's Edifying Insight Of The Angelic Conflict Impacting History
(Daniel 10:1-11:1)
    Introduction: (To show the need . . . )

    The problems man and his human leaders face seem so potent, we may wonder how we can individually possibly function in blessing:

    (1) The March 14, 2011 nationwide paper, USA TODAY, p. 6A reported: "The revolts that started in Tunisia and spread throughout the Arab world have forced leaders to pay attention to public sentiment for the first time, analysts said."

    (2) These uprisings continue, too: on the same page, Nada Alwadi's article, "Clash outside palace in Bahrain intensifies" told of unrest last week in Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Oman, Egypt, Jordan and now also Morocco.

    (3) If we add to this the crisis in Japan with the cleanup efforts of the earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear reactor damage and threat of a reactor meltdown, not to mention how oil prices are affecting world economies amid the Middle East unrest and Japan crisis, it seems that forces the world faces are too potent for even world rulers to address, let alone for us individuals to address for blessing.

    (4) Even the religious realm presents seemingly humanly unstoppable problems. Page 13B of the paper cited above ran Cathy Lynn Grossman's article, "Pastor-author's Love Wins' bedevils traditionalists" telling of efforts by Rob Bell, a "rock-star-popular young pastor" whose book, Love Wins, hit bookstores Tuesday, March 15th. Bell claims among other things that "(d)eath doesn't cut off the ability to repent" since he sees no "infinite, eternal torment for things (people) did in their few finite years of life.'" [This claim is countered by 2 Thessalonians 1:9 that speaks of people being "punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord"!]

    Bell also claims "Jesus makes salvation possible even for people who never know his name," claiming, "We have to allow for mystery.'" [This claim is countered by John 3:36: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."]

    However, Pastor Rob Bell is very popular with some, and seemingly unstoppable even by conservative religious leaders who charge he is "a false teacher of a Jesus-optional Gospel, leading innocents to damnation and a traitor to the evangelical label." (Ibid.)

    So we ask, "In view of the potent forces seen in the world's historical events, how can we individually find blessing, and why?"

    Need: "The problems the world and its leaders face seem so potent, how can we individually possibly function in blessing, and why?!"

  1. In the 3rd year of Persia's king Cyrus AFTER some Hebrews had begun to return to Israel and rebuild the temple (Ezra 1:1; 3:8-10), Daniel received a vision about a great conflict for Israel, shattering any hope he had of her peaceful resettlement, Daniel 10:1 ESV.
  2. Daniel was apparently too old and/or too tied to his administrative duties in the Persian government to return to Israel, so insight into Israel's imminent conflict left him mourning and fasting for 21 days while he sought God's explanation of the vision, Daniel 10:2-3.
  3. This clarification came from an interaction Daniel then had with a very strong angel who supplied insight on the angelic conflict that impacts history, and that we should apply today, Daniel 10:4-11:1:
    1. In this vision, Daniel met a mighty angel from the Lord, Dan. 10:4-6.
    2. Daniel's associates did not see the angel, but, sensing his powerful presence, they trembled greatly and fled and hid while Daniel was left weak, and fell into a deep sleep upon hearing him speak, Dan. 10:7-9.
    3. An angel's hand touched him and set Daniel trembling up on his hands and knees, so the powerful angel informed Daniel that he was highly esteemed of God, and so to stand up on his feet as the angel had been sent to give God's edifying message to him, Dan. 10:10-11a.
    4. Daniel stood up, still trembling at the powerful angel's mere presence (Daniel 10:11b), so the angel told him not to be afraid, Daniel 10:12a.
    5. This display of this angel's vastly superhuman power was given to provide insight for Daniel, and for all believers in history, that greatly superhuman good and evil spirit beings are locked in fierce combat behind historical events that impact world history, Dan. 10:12b-11:1:
      1. This strong angel reported that the first day, that is, 21 days before, when Daniel had begun to seek God's explanation of the vision he had seen of a great conflict, God had directed the angel to go to Daniel and give him its explanation, Daniel 10:12b with 10:1-2.
      2. However, regardless how powerful this good angel was, the main demon affecting the Persian kingdom had kept this strong, godly angel from being able to reach Daniel for 21 days, Daniel 10:13a!
      3. God had then directed Michael, a chief angel, to fight off the demon so the powerful angel could finally reach Daniel and give him the insight God had wanted him to have, Daniel 10:13b-14a.
      4. The strong angel revealed the vision dealt with future events, that he had come to clarify them to Daniel, Daniel 10:14b NIV.
      5. Showing again the great supernatural power of this angel, Daniel's head then lowered and he became speechless, so a regular angel touched his lips to give him the power to speak, Daniel 10:15a-16a.
      6. Daniel then explained his anguish and weakness in the powerful angel's presence, and expressed that he felt unable to speak and even hard to breath in his presence, Daniel 10:16b-17.
      7. The attending angel again touched Daniel, giving him strength, and the powerful angel again told Daniel not to fear since he was highly esteemed by God, but to be at peace and be strong, Dan. 10:18-19a.
      8. Daniel then received strength, and asked the strong angel to speak now that he had given Daniel the power to hear him, Dan. 10:19b.
      9. The powerful angel reported that he would soon leave Daniel to fight again with the demon behind the Persian kingdom, and later that he would have to counter the main demon behind the kingdom of Greece that was going to arise as an empire, Daniel 10:20.
      10. Indeed, this mighty angel said he had supported and protected Darius the Mede when he arose to power over efforts by demonic forces to destroy this ruler who had helped Daniel in his lion's den crisis (Daniel 11:1 with 6:1-28), and that no other good angel helped him but Michael in these huge angelic battles, Dan. 10:21b.
    6. However, Daniel and all believers were to know that God has a Book of Truth in heaven, of which the Bible reveals SOME events, and that book's events WILL OCCUR under God's SOVEREIGN rule DESPITE this ANGELIC CONFLICT, Dan. 10:21a. [The mighty angel then revealed in Daniel 11:2-12:13 a detailed prophecy from the Book of Truth on the great conflict Israel would face!]
Application: In light of Daniel 10, may we (1) trust in Christ as Savior (John 3:16). Then, may we (2) rely on the Holy Spirit to live godly lives (Gal. 5:16-22) in heeding Scripture (1 John 1:7) that we enjoy God's blessing amid the superhuman, fierce war of spirit beings that wages around us throughout history! (3) May we keep heeding God as the ONLY safe, blessed, effective thing to do in life!