Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Romans: Charter Of God's Salvation Grace
Part II: Exposing The NEED For God's Salvation Of Sinful Man, Romans 1:18-3:20
D. The NEED Of EVERY MORTAL HUMAN For God's Gracious Salvation From Sin
(Romans 3:9-20)
  1. Introduction
    1. Though the religious man might accept the condemnation of the pagan and moralist, his dedication to his beliefs often leads him to struggle hard against accepting his need for salvation apart from his own works.
    2. Romans 3:9-20 concludes Paul's section in Romans on the condemnation of the sinner, revealing in clear terms especially for the religious by the Bible's repeat declarations the condemnation of all mortals:
  2. The NEED Of EVERY MORTAL HUMAN For God's Gracious Salvation From Sin, Romans 3:9-20.
    1. In Romans 3:1-8 that we studied in the last lesson, Paul anticipated objections to his condemnation of the Jew by non-Christian Jews who sought to undermine that condemnation of themselves.
    2. The last errant concept of the religious Jew Paul sought to counter was the view the Jew was preferred by God for eternal salvation over the Gentile, and Paul roundly condemned that idea in Romans 3:9.
    3. Then, to convince the Jew further of his lost estate, Paul cited Scripture that every Jew held to be true, showing how Scripture completely condemned all men as lost sinners before a holy God, Rom. 3:10-18:
      1. First, Scripture revealed how all mortal humans are under sin, Romans 3:9-18 (Bible Knowledge Commentary, New Testament, p. 449-450:
        1. In Romans 3:10-12, Paul cited Psalm 14:1-3 to give a sevenfold indictment of all mortals, noting they are (1) unrighteous, (2) they do not understand God, (3) they do not seek Him, (4) they have turned away from Him, (5) they are worthless (achreioo), (6) they do not do what is benevolent, (7) not one of them (this latter description appears in both Romans 3:10b and 3:12b), Ibid., p. 449!
        2. In Romans 3:13-18, Paul described the "vileness and wickedness of various parts of the human body, indicating that every part contributes to a person's condemnation," Ibid. We cite those passages in the Old Testament as follows: (1) In Romans 3:13a, Paul quoted Psalm 5:9 to show man's throat [representing his speech] is corrupt like an open grave. (2) In Romans 3:13b, he cited Psalm 140:3 to show man's tongue (figuratively used for speech) is dishonest and (3) damaging and abusive like the venom of asps. (4) In Romans 3:14, Paul cited Psalm 10:7 to show man's speech is blasphemous (cursing and bitterness), Ibid. (4) In Romans 3:15-17, Paul quoted Proverbs 1:17 and Isaiah 59:7-8 to show mortals are quick to murder, (5) to create ruin (6) and misery for others and (7) to cease being peaceful. (8) In Romans 3:18, Paul quoted Psalm 36:1 to show how there is no fear of God before the eyes or viewpoint of mortal man. (Ibid. English Standard Version footnotes)
      2. Second, Scripture revealed all mortals "are conscious of sin," Rom. 3:19; Ibid., Bib. Kno. Com., N. T.:
        1. In concluding his condemnation of all mortals (except the sinless Lord Jesus Christ, of course), Paul stated that the Mosaic Law addressed those under the Law, especially the Jew, Romans 3:19a.
        2. Accordingly, as God's Law thus fully condemned all mortals, pagan, self-justifying moralists or even Jews, the Mosaic Law's ministry was not one of justifying mortals, but of condemning every mortal that no one might adequately be able to answer to God's condemnation of him, Rom. 3:19b.
        3. As such, the whole world stands guilty of eternal condemnation in itself before a holy God, 3:19c.
    4. Hence, Paul concluded that by one's trying to keep the works the Mosaic Law demanded of man will never result in the justification of any mortal man before a holy God; all the Law could do in view of the sinful depravity of all mortal humans is to expose that depravity in all of them, Rom. 3:20; cf. John 3:20!
Lesson: The devoutly religious man who clings to his efforts to keep God's Word in his life in order to gain eternal life can only stand condemned by that Word, for it only exposes his sinful depravity.

Application: (1) If we have been trying to gain eternal life by doing our BEST to HEED Scripture, we must realize that our BEST is DEGENERATE, a state God can not tolerate; we are obliged to fling ourselves upon God's mercy and trust alone in Christ alone to be saved, Romans 3:21-22! (2) May we kindly but clearly reveal this truth to the devoutly religious but LOST person that he might be saved!