Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Part XI: Pneumatology (Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit)
F. The Holy Spirit's "Paraklete" Ministries
  1. Introduction
    1. Our world is ruled by a great Enemy of the believer -- by Satan himself, cf. 2 Cor. 4:4a; 1 John 5:19b.
    2. God knows we need aid in our conflict with such a superhuman foe and his forces, so Christ has sent God the Holy Spirit to believers to offer His "Paraklete" ministries of a parental nature, John 14:16-18 NIV.
  2. The Holy Spirit's "Paraklete" Ministries (I am indebted to Ryrie's work, The Holy Spirit, p. 104ff).
    1. The word, "Comforter" (KJV) in John 14:16 used to describe the Holy Spirit literally means "one who is called to someone's aid," Arndt & Gingrich, Greek-English Lex. of the N.T., p. 623-624. This helping ministry counters a believer's living as a spiritual "orphan" in Satan's perilous world, John 14:16-18 NIV.
    2. Just what is involved in the Spirit's aid for the believer is detailed in Scripture as His teaching, guiding, assuring and intercessory ministries ("paraklete" being the Greek word rendered "Comforter" in the KJV):
      1. The Holy Spirit teaches the believer much like a parent teaches a child:
        1. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, Peter evidenced a clarity of understanding in his Pentecost sermon, giving evidence of the Spirit's inner instruction to him, Acts 2:1-4, 12-13, 14.
        2. The content of what the Holy Spirit instructs the believer includes: (a) all the truth concerning Jesus Christ found in Scripture, cf. John 16:13; Luke 24:25-27 (b) with a particular emphasis on prophetic truths about Christ, John 16:13d; Revelation 1:1.
        3. The authority for this teaching ministry is Christ Who uses the Holy Spirit as His vehicle for imparting truth to the believer, John 16:13b.
        4. The Holy Spirit uses two methods to impart this truth to the believer: (a) He subjectively impresses the believer with what is truth, 1 John 2:20, 27 and (b) He objectively uses the written Word of God (which can either be taught to a believer by spiritually gifted teachers [1 John 4:6] or which he himself can read and understand for himself, cf. 1 Cor. 2:12-16 and Acts 17:10-11.)
      2. The Holy Spirit parentally guides the believer in his experience much like a parent guides his child:
        1. Truly justified Christians are led by the Holy Spirit in their lives, Romans 8:14.
        2. Scripture provides examples of how the Spirit thus leads the believer (as follows): (a) In the transition between the dispensations of Law and Grace, the Spirit used direct revelation, Acts 8:29. (b) In that same dispensational transition, the Spirit used visions, Acts 10:19. [This is not to deny such vehicles can be used by God today, but the need for them is curtailed by the completeness of the written revelation, cf. 2 Tim. 3:15-4:2. Were God to use them today, their content would have to agree with written Scripture, Rom. 12:6 (Ryrie St. Bib., KJV ftn.)] (c) The Spirit uses decisions of organized Church leaders to guide believers, Acts 13:1-3. (d) The Spirit may use circumstances aligned with Scriptural leading of other kinds to guide believers, Acts 16:6-10 with Acts 13:1-16:5. (e) The Spirit may lead through the Biblical teaching of credible Church leaders, Acts 21:11 with 20:23. (f) The Spirit may guide believers by their personal Bible reading, Acts 17:10-11.
      3. The Holy Spirit's assuring work supplies stability for the believer much like a parent does for a child:
        1. The Spirit gives subjective evidence to one's heart that he is a child of God, Rom. 5:5; 8:16.
        2. He subjectively convinces believers they fellowship with God, Rom. 5:5; 1 John 3:24b.
        3. He subjectively assures the believer of the final redemption of his earthly body, Rom. 5:5; 8:23.
      4. The Holy Spirit's intercessory work to God aids the believer as does a mother's appeal for her child:
        1. As no believer prays well enough to be effective, the Spirit intercedes for him to God, Rom. 8:26.
        2. This intercession involves unutterable groanings to the Father in the believer's behalf, Romans 8:26.
        3. The Spirit can guide the godly believer's thoughts so he can pray in God's will, Ep. 6:18; Phil. 2:13.
        4. The result of such prayer is confidence one's relationship with God is good, and that he is in His will and praying within that will when his prayers are answered, 1 John 3:22.
Lesson: In a world ruled by SATANIC forces, we should rely on the Spirit's PARENTING ministries.

Application: In view of our vulnerability before our superhuman spiritual foe in Satan, let us who believe in Christ DEPEND upon the Holy Spirit's PARENTING ministries unto us for God's blessing!