Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Part II: Discovering That Without God, We Cannot Be Useful To God At All
(Exodus 2:11-22)
  1. Introduction
    1. From last week's lesson, we learned that no matter how disadvantaged or obscure one's background or lack of talents may be, God can turn the tables to prepare him for great service. Moses was taken from a near-death experience in the bulrushes to being reared as the son of Pharaoh, Ex. 1:1-2:10!
    2. But at precisely this point comes an astonishing lesson to many! The question arises, "If God can use me, and if He has indicated that He wants to use me, why is everything I'm trying turning so sour now?!"
    3. Studying the second forty years of Moses' life provides our answer, cf. Ex. 2:11-22:
  2. Discovering That Without God, We Cannot Be Useful To God At All, Exodus 2:11-22.
    1. When Moses was forty years of age (Acts 7:23), he saw an injustice being performed by an Egyptian against one of his own countrymen, a Hebrew, Ex. 2:11.
    2. We know from Hebrews 11:24-27 that Moses had great faith in God's promised Egyptian deliverance so that he turned his back on the "good life" of Egypt to identify with his enslaved countrymen! His heart was really good at this point!
    3. Accordingly, Moses calculated that stepping in to kill the Egyptian would cause his people to rally around his leadership so he could deliver them from Pharaoh, cf. Acts 7:23-25. The context of Acts 7's sermon by Stephen indicated that Moses' countrymen were to be blamed for hardened hearts for not following him at this point! Thus, he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand, Ex. 2:12.
    4. However, since he did this on his own, Moses' effort dramatically, decisively back-fired, Ex. 2:13-22:
      1. Moses went out the next day hoping to accumulate some personal votes from his countrymen to set up the deliverance, Acts 7:35 with Ex. 2:13a.
      2. In the process, he saw an argument between two Hebrews, and assumed the role of overseer and tried to arbitrate toward a settlement, Ex. 2:13b.
      3. One of the men opposed Moses' assumption that he had authority or influence over him, and revealed his possible willingness to counter Moses' power claim by revealing his murder of the Egyptian, 14.
      4. When Pharaoh did learn of Moses' crime and tried to kill him, seeing that he had no supporters amongst his countrymen, Moses fled into the Sinai wilderness from Pharaoh, Ex. 2:15.
      5. In that land, Moses ran into another conflict between some male shepherds and some oppressed female shepherds; he helped the women with their cause without killing anybody this time, Ex. 2:16-17. He had learned the value of helping without seeking personal advancement in the process! Accordingly, God rewarded him with a home, a marriage and a son, Ex. 2:18-22.
      6. When Moses had a son, he named him Gershom, meaning "a stranger here," cf. Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, ftn. to Ex. 2:22. He apparently thus lamented his past mistake, feeling that he had missed the "brass ring" of leadership opportunity in killing the Egyptian!
Lesson: God can use anybody, and He WANTS to use His people fully, John 15:8. However, WITHOUT God, His people are totally USELESS for God's purposes, John 15:4-5!

Application: (1) We must BELIEVE that God can use us as did Moses, He. 11:24-27 and Gen. 15:14. (2) However, to be used of God, we cannot "do our own thing" or we will be left out on a limb of failure in spite of good intentions, for we deal with a world of unreliable sinners and the angelic conflict, cf. Ex. 2:12-14 with A. 7:25,51. (3) Rather, our focus should always be to do what is right in any circumstance we find ourselves with no thought about how to get results, Ex. 2:16-21. GOD produces all RESULTS! (4) Though he failed in ministry ONCE, God still planned to USE Moses to do what he originally wanted to achieve, Ex. 3:1-4,10 with Acts 7:25. Thus, be encouraged to pick up where we have once failed and look to the Lord for ministry effectiveness!